

文章最后更新时间:2024-04-30 13:02:58,由管理员负责审核发布,若内容或图片失效,请留言反馈!

To remove black ink stains, you can try the following methods:

1. Use rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover: Apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover to a clean cloth and gently dab at the ink stain until it starts to lift.

2. Use white vinegar: Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water, then apply the solution to the ink stain and blot with a clean cloth.

3. Use lemon juice: Squeeze fresh lemon juice onto the ink stain and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing with cold water.

4. Use dish soap: Apply a small amount of dish soap directly to the ink stain, then gently scrub with a soft brush or cloth before rinsing with water.

5. Use baking soda: Make a paste using baking soda and water, then apply it to the ink stain and let it sit for a few hours before rinsing with water.

Remember to test these methods on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure they do not damage the fabric.



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